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Property Tax Programs for Senior Citizens and Military Veterans

Senior Citizens

This program exempts Fifty Percent (50%) of the first $200,000 from the actual value of the home for the portion of taxes payable by the homeowner. PLEASE NOTE that this will not apply against the current year’s taxes due. The Treasurer bills property taxes one year in arrears, therefore the exempt portion of property taxes will be on the property tax billing for the following year.

The exemption is available to Senior applicants who:

  • Are at least 65 years of age as of January 1 of the year of application,
  • Owned and occupied their home as the primary residence for at least 10 years as of January 1

This program is administered through the Douglas County Assessor’s office. The deadline to submit your application is July 15.


Qualified Senior Primary Residential Exemption

A qualified senior primary residential exemption, also known as the portable senior exemption, is available for tax years 2025 and 2026. The applicant must have previously qualified for, and received, the senior property tax exemption in property tax year 2020 or later but are not currently receiving it.

The application deadline for the Qualified Senior Primary Residential Exemption is March 15. Applications are available at the Assessor’s Office and can be accepted from January 1 through March 15 for the current year. Future year applications cannot be considered or approved.

Disabled veterans and surviving spouses of military members

This program exempts Fifty Percent (50%) of the first $200,000 from the actual value of the home for the portion of taxes payable by the homeowner.  PLEASE NOTE that this will not apply against the current year’s taxes due. The Treasurer bills property taxes one year in arrears, therefore the exempt portion of property taxes will be on the property tax billing for the following year.

The exemption is available to applicants who:

  •  Are rated by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs as one hundred percent “permanent and total” disabled.
  •  Must have owned and occupied the property as their primary residence on January 1 of the year in which you apply

Please visit the Douglas County Assessor’s webpage for application forms and to submit your completed application between January 1 and July 1.

Douglas County Tax Work-Off Program

Douglas County offers the Tax Work-Off Program to Douglas County taxpayers 60 years of age or older, or individuals with disabilities, the opportunity to work off a portion of their Douglas County property taxes by meeting temporary needs with County departments.

This program is administered through the Douglas County Human Resources Department.

Sr Exemption Forms

Assessor Forms

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