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Assessors Office

Programs for Seniors

Senior Property Tax Exemption

The Senior Property Tax Exemption for senior citizens was created for qualifying seniors and the surviving spouses of seniors who previously qualified. As of January 1st  the taxpayer must be 65 years or older and must be the property owner of record and must have been so for at least 10 consecutive years as his or her primary residence.

The exemption reduces the actual taxable value of qualified residential property by 50 percent of the 1st $200,000 of taxable value. The state is responsible for reimbursing the County Treasurer for the lost revenue. Once approved, the exemption remains in place until there is a change in ownership.

An applicant or married couple can apply for the exemption on only one property. That property must be his or her primary residence. Married couples and individuals who apply for the exemption on multiple properties will be denied the exemption on all properties. The application deadline for the Senior Exemption is July 15.

More Info

Income-Qualified Senior Housing Income Tax Credit

Following the historic rise in property tax assessments in 2023, you may be looking for other ways to save money on your taxes. If you’re an older adult (65 or older) and not participating in the Senior Property Tax Exemption Program, you may qualify for the Income-Qualified Senior Housing Income Tax Credit. The credit is allowed for tax year 2022 and is reinstated for tax year 2024.

Watch this video as Douglas County Assessor Toby Damisch explains the credit, who qualifies and where to find the resources to file paperwork.

You can also find additional information from the Colorado Department of Revenue Taxation Division website using the links below:

Income-Qualified Senior Housing Tax Credit
2024 HB24-1052 Senior Housing Income Tax Credit Summary

Colorado Property Tax/Rent/Heat (PTC) Rebate Program

Many Coloradans may be eligible for the Property Tax/Rent/Heat Credit rebate, also known as the “PTC Rebate,” which is available every year. You may qualify for the PTC Rebate if you are a full-year Colorado resident who is 65 years of age or older, a surviving spouse 58 years of age or older, or disabled, regardless of age. The rebate amount is based on the applicant’s income and expenses.

Any Colorado resident who meets the requirements for the rebate should submit the rebate application DR 0104PTC. Once you complete the application you can bring the application to a Colorado Department of Revenue Taxpayer Service Center or send it in by mail to:

Colorado Department of Revenue
Denver, CO 80261-0005
(No Street Address is Necessary)

PTC Rebate Info

Colorado Property Tax Deferrals

The Property Tax Deferral Program helps military personnel and seniors, many of whom live on a fixed income, continue to afford to live in their own homes by deferring the payment of their property taxes.

On January 1st, 2023, the State of Colorado expanded the deferral program to include individuals whose property tax liability grows by more than 4.0 percent. Homeowners who aren’t seniors or active military can apply if their property taxes increased above what the program calls a “growth cap.” The growth cap is met when the current year’s property tax amount has increased 4% or more compared to the average of the two prior years amounts.

Seniors and active military can defer for as long as they own their home and they reapply for deferral each year. Others applying under the tax growth-based eligibility can defer for as long as they own their home, as long as the amount being deferred does not exceed $10,000.

The State Treasury makes tax payments directly to the county on behalf of the participant for the entire amount due that year. The loan is logged as a lien against the participant’s property that does not have to be remitted until the property sells or the mortgage changes hands. The property claiming the deferral must be owner occupied. All property taxes for years prior to 2024 must be paid. The property must not be income producing. To participate, eligible taxpayers must apply to the Colorado State Treasurer between January 1 and April 1 of the current year.

For questions, please contact:
Colorado Property Tax Deferral Program
Phone: 833-634-2513
Email: cotreasproptax@state.co.us

Colorado Property Tax Deferral Program

Douglas County Tax Work-Off Program

Douglas County offers the Tax Work-Off Program to Douglas County taxpayers 60 years of age or older, or individuals with disabilities, the opportunity to work off a portion of their Douglas County property taxes by meeting temporary needs with County departments.

This program is administered through the Douglas County Human Resources Department.

Tax Work-Off Program