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Assessors Office

Valuation Audits

Just like many other private and public organizations, the Douglas County Assessor’s Office is audited annually by an independent firm contracted by the Colorado Legislative Council. The study – or audit – ensures that each Colorado county is valuing property fairly and equitably. The results of the Audits are presented to the State Board of Equalization each October, and the Board may order a reappraisal for counties that don’t meet procedural and valuation standards set by Colorado law.

If a county consistently undervalues property, the state must provide more funding to the school districts in that county than it should. When this occurs, the state may order the county to revalue the property, and refund excess school funding to the state. If the county is not able to conduct the reappraisal on its own because of a staffing shortage or lack of experienced staff, the county must pay the State Division of Property Taxation to conduct the reappraisal.

The property assessment audit conducts a two-part analysis: A procedural analysis and a statistical analysis.

  • The procedural analysis includes all classes of property and specifically looks at how the assessor develops economic areas, confirms and qualifies sales, develops time adjustments and performs and plans periodic physical property inspections. The audit also examines the procedures for adequately discovering, classifying and valuing agricultural residences and outbuildings, discovering subdivision build-out and subdivision discounting procedures. Valuation methodology for residential properties and commercial properties is examined. Procedures for producing mines, oil and gas leaseholds and lands producing, producing coal mines, producing earth and stone products, severed mineral interests and non-producing patented mining claims are also reviewed.
  • Statistical analysis is performed on vacant land, residential properties, commercial / industrial properties, agricultural land, agricultural residences and outbuildings, other agricultural properties and personal property.

The Douglas County Assessor’s Office has never failed an audit, and always falls within the Statutory guidelines. Our Analysts monitor our valuation statistics closely, and our staff works hard to ensure that all Douglas County properties from the newest subdivision, to our historic ranches, to the National Forest area are valued for tax purposes with equity and fairness.

Complete Douglas County Audit Reports are now available for past years to 2003. Use the links below to view the complete reports on Douglas County as presented to the State Board of Equalization.