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Powered by Connection: Celebrating the older adults in our community

Board of Douglas County Commissioners recognizes May as Older Americans Month. Join us this summer for new updates on our Older Adult Initiative.

Posted on May 2, 2024 2024News and EventsOlder Adults


You have likely heard (or maybe even said) that “age is just a number.” In Douglas County, we know that number represents wisdom and experience that enhances our community.

During a regular Business Meeting Tuesday, April 23, the Board of Douglas County Commissioners declared May as Older Americans Month, honoring the contributions of older adults in Douglas County and the partners that serve them.

“Last year, we kicked off the Older Adults Initiative. We have truly enjoyed hearing from this community and have already taken action to invest in affordable housing – a top priority we heard during our initial listening sessions,” said Douglas County Commissioner George Teal. “Still, we know that there is more to be done, and we are committed to deeply understanding what our older adults need to age well in Douglas County. This is something we can continue to work on.”

Plan to join us this summer in your communities for updates and to provide additional feedback on planned action steps in the priority areas you identified – affordable housing, transportation, in-home services, and access to information. These discussion-focused roadshows are expected to begin in June and advance conversations from last year’s listening sessions and the Live Town Hall hosted earlier this year.

To receive details on these events, sign up for emails. Select “Older Adults/Aging Resources.” Learn more about the Older Adult Initiative on our webpage. If you have an idea for how we could better reach your neighbors – via a newsletter, social media page or other ways – please reach out to us at citizenconnect@douglas.co.us or call 303-660-7351.

Older Americans Month was established in 1963 to acknowledge the contributions and achievements of older Americans while highlighting important trends and strengthening our commitment to honor older adults. The 2024 theme is Powered by Connection, which recognizes the profound impact that meaningful relationships and social connections have on the health and well-being of older adults.

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